Tim Beasley’s Tom Jones look alike sound alike celebrity impersonations recreates the real Tom Jones in all dimensions. Tim soulfully recreates the famous Tom Jones shows of Las Vegas and actually sings Tom Jones' most popular songs. Complete in the looks, actions, and breathy baritone voice like the real Tom Jones, with the trademark tuxedos or glamed out Vegas tight suited splendor and curly hair, he’s practically a Tom Jones clone, double or twin to the real Tom Jones…
You've got to see these videos of very much live shows with real, excited, and hot audiences at this link,
to see how the ladies react to Tim Beasley as "Tom Jones"!
Tim also performs as Tom Jones in many of his multi-superstars "Rock n" Roll Heroes" TM and "The Martini Men" TM shows for conventions, retail promotions, country clubs, resorts and entertainment venues, like these marquees and ads below present...
Events Include 
Massanutten Resort
Pizza Hut Corporate Party
Greek Orthodox Philoptochos Society
Hair Cuttery National Convention
STIHL USA Corp. Holiday Party
Mitsubishi Event, Lansdowne Resort Northern VA
New Years Eve 2000 Ocean City MD Celebration
New Years Eve 2001 Spirit Cruises
New Years Eve 2006 Renaissance Hotel Portsmouth, VA
*Clear Channel - Live Nation Entertainment's Legends of Rock n' Roll Champions*
*( First Place Best Celebrity Impersonator )

Licensed And Insured
Copyright © 2010 Tim Beasley's Celebrity Stars